Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Image Appley Hoare

Its the end of the month at work & as usual I'm up to my neck in numbers, budgets, forecasts, account planning, etc. However these gorgeous antique iron and enamel French house numbers remind me that maybe not all numbers have to be BORING! Their ethereal beauty is wonderous!


  1. Oh thank you for your lovely words over at my blog! It's so wonderful to make new friends and follow peoples lives. Your renovation sounds so exciting! I have never built, never renovated before... hence the eternal optimism! I am determined to enjoy the process as I am learning so much it would be disappointing if I couldn't apply all I learn and do it again and again! I think I have found my calling..... it's such a wonderful gross motor creative outlet! A-M xx

  2. PS Millie, I have added you to the list of blogs I 'stalk' daily for inspiration. I hope my friends come visit you too! A-M xx

  3. Hi Millie
    Thank you so very much for dropping by my blog... It has been a long time since I have been to your beautiful state but I must say I loved every minute of it... Your blog is just lovely. Have you ever been to a shop called April in Paris??? Just wondered as I have some of my charms there and it sounds like it would be a sweet shop... Take care Cathy

  4. Oh. I want ALL of those. Every last one. Wouldn't it be a dream to start collecting antique number plaques and eventually build a swoon-worthy wall calendar?


And none will hear the postman's knock
Without a quickening of the heart.
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
~W.H. Auden