Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The House in the Woods

Thank you to everyone for the messages of 'condolence' following MOTH's dreadful paint mishap. He's slowly recovering, although still in need of lots of TLC! So after all the drama, I need a relaxing, gentle post & this beautiful home certainly provides that.

In the middle of a forest, on a tiny island in Sweden, a designer tore down a derelict cottage and built a family home and studio in its place. Inspired by Asian wooden houses, he designed the building to be off the ground on stilts and built it almost entirely from local pine.

The aroma of the freshly milled timbers positively jumps out of these photos and the setting on the lakeshore just divine. I would be so interested to revisit this home in the middle of the Scandanavian winter to see how it looks surrounded by snow & ice, with the warm glow of candlelight shining through the windows.


  1. so tranquil and lovely. i will want a lovely little cottage like that in the hills.

  2. I love this cottage. I love the neutral palette - so relaxing! Great post!

  3. This is just the calm serene scenery you both need. Maybe if you explain the scenario the owners would move out for a week so you could recoup!
    Lisa & Alfie

  4. This cottage is really something special. Not sure how I would go have a tricycle in the dining room, but otherwise it is perfect. A perfect place to get snowed in (with the right sort of people of course, and lots of food, and a pile of magazines and books, and sewing stuff, and...)

  5. Lovely comments everyone!

    Clare you're idea is wonderful, except the sewing bit. As you know I'm an abject failure in the sewing stakes. However give me a balance sheet & meta analysis speadsheets & I'm fine - sad isn't it!!

  6. I love the neutral palette also though I'd have to add a small splash of colour here and there.

    Anna :)

  7. Anna, lovely thought re the colour thing. Absolutely agree with you.

  8. It's so natural and beautiful. Just what a retreat island home should look like. I love it's simpleness and the lack of "things".


And none will hear the postman's knock
Without a quickening of the heart.
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
~W.H. Auden