Thursday, February 5, 2009

Over Achiever

All images Alexandra Malkin

Alexandra Malkin is a Melbourne Interior Designer, but is equally at home designing stunning gardens. "I'm such a home body & design my interiors to be just that...warm, inviting & homely." Got to love that philosophy. Here's just a few images of her work, take a look at her Website, it's a real treat.


  1. I likey. I likey. Nice formality but not too rigid.

  2. I love this style of garden, formal yet simple with lots of hedging and greenery. Bet MOTH liked these pictures too!

  3. gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Great find Millie

  4. Lovely images but I paritcularly like your Christmas lillies in the side bar - are they really like that in your garden? I never had any luck with them, xv.

  5. Gorgeous garden spaces! Just seeing all of that green makes me yearn even more for spring!

  6. Beautiful gardens~envy! I love the section of steel gate. Just enough to keep everyone inside.

  7. So serene! This is just so me! Unfortunately, when winter come & snow is up to my knees? waaahhh... my lovely dovey style is drown.

    Jst tell you Mill, love it!

    Have a wonderful Friday & w/end ahead.

    Hugs from a snowy Stockholm...

  8. You knew I would love this one, sorry I have been out of the loop. Now time for catch up. Heidi


And none will hear the postman's knock
Without a quickening of the heart.
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
~W.H. Auden