Friday, July 31, 2009

Book Now!

It's been a whirlwind week at work, with lots of 'interesting' little challenges popping up from nowhere to deal with! We have a New Product launch in Sydney next week & I'm so far behind in my pre-reading that it's scary. So Cote Sud, Marie Claire Maison & The World of Interiors will be replaced this weekend by such august tomes as CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology, Experimental & Clinical Cardiology, International Journal of CardioVascular Interventions, Circulation, International Journal of Cardiac Imaging & my very favourite, the Journal of Molecular & Cellular Cardiology. Oh be still my beating heart (no pun intended!!). Make me envious & tell me what's on your reading list this weekend.

Image: Alan Shortall


  1. Hey there... no envy for you over this way... workwise.. testing program results and reconciling a few billion [not mine unfortunately]. AND... personal ..the dentist.. I will be reading the white ceiling of fear!! hahaha

  2. Hi Millie, sorry, can't make you envious, because unfortunately I'll be reading/editing the learning module 'Implement an Energy Management Plan' from the the Vocational Graduate Certificate in Facilities Management! Mmmm, maybe the following weekend we can both OD on home mags.

    Good luck with the product launch next week. I'm sure you'll wow them. Lee :)

  3. Oh my goodness Julie & Lee - I don't feel so bad now! Hope you manage to get some good stuff in despite the intensive book work.
    Millie ^_^

  4. I'll be finishing reading a very scary book titled "What's Happening to our Girl's? Too Much, Too Soon. How our girls are overstimulated, oversold and oversexed". After that I think I'll be looking for a book called something like "How to Raise Your Children without Raising Your Blood Pressure." Good luck with your product launch Millie! Meredith xo.

  5. gosh, i guess i'm the only one reading for pleasure this weekend. trying to finish book 4 of the twilight series. got "sucked" in. swore i wouldn't read about vampires. and praying i'll be reading in temperatures below 90 degrees! happy weekend, millie.

  6. Twilight!!! I have become totally obessed finished New Moon on the week-end & have decided to take a break, my husband wants his wife back not to mention my boys...but I love it, 2 more books to go & I am going to read them both really s l o w l y so I don't miss a thing...crazy I NO!!!!
    :) Cate

  7. Doesn't sound like fun, I hope it won't take you too long and you can get to do something more relaxing as well.

  8. Fascinating stuff! On my reading list this weekend is Little House in the Big Woods (to my 8 year old), a few dozen picture books to my little ones, and then Small Business Marketing for Dummies, as that is about the level of intelligence that my hormone riddled brain can manage. I will try to fit in the odd interior magazine though - I call it product research for a renovation if my hubby asks!
    Clare x

  9. First of all, Mills, I'm sorry that I haven't been over to see you for a few days.....I've been having trouble getting onto your blog for some reason...anyway.. looks like the grmlins have gone on holiday ....which reminds me....what am I doing this weekend ???!!! ...Oh yes...We're off to Italy....Hurrah...How's that for making you envious...Don't work too hard, take care and catch you later !!! XXXX

  10. I'm so proud you even know what your reading!I was lost after the cardio bit! hope you weekend gets better xx

  11. Something trashy Millie.....this brain needs to slow down a bit! xv

  12. Hi Millie,
    Wow, I am so happy I'm not you at the moment. I've had enough of reading mundane reports through the week so I intend to catch up on some inspirational blogs and a bit more of my fictional crime novel that currently lives beside my bed. I hope you get it all done and get to relax and enjoy your weekend a little.

  13. Oh shoot that sounds deadly, certainly not that on my reading list.


    ps cheers to the heart :)

  14. My mom sent me a bunch of reading material this week. I don't know if I will get to any of my new books though since I will be hanging out with my college friends. 20 year reunion!

  15. I'll be reading the Sydney Morning Herald in a warm, sunny corner with one of your wonderful hot chocolate recipes and then into the garden. Hope the product launch is a success! Leigh

  16. Oh Millie, my brain hurts just reading what you're going to be reading...Yikes!! I think I need a glass of wine now... yes, that's what I'm doing this weekend- drinking wine in your honor;), no reading for me!! You be sure to take wine breaks too, okay?!!
    p.s. thank you so much for your sweet well-wishes! Dan & I greatly appreciated it! Oh, and Dan's having a beer for MOTH!!

  17. Dear Millie,
    Thanks for coming. It was really nice to hear what you think if am fit to be the Swedish farmer's wife §:-))

    Ahh! love books. I just finished 3 this month. Unfortunately, it's Swedish authors but they're good one.

    This day & over next week, I will be having an off from work. I will be cruisin´to Helsinki. It's my BDAY today. So, I feel luxurious!

    Hugs to you & MOTH this w/end and have a great day.

  18. the beach. and my eyes closed. but possibly a little sud, maison, vogue living....have a wonderful weekend...

  19. Oh it sounds heavy going Millie.
    Good luck with getting through it and for the new Product launch.

    I am reading ~ A Vintage Affair by Isabel Wolff.

    Take care and try and enjoy your weekend.

  20. I went into my favorite 2nd hand bookstore that always has a wonderful selection of decor books- walked out with 5 delightful books this afternoon! Because they are 2nd hand and half price, I had no self control! Good luck with your reading and I hope you get back to Cote Sud soon!

  21. Hi Millie.. Pleased to say I did NO work [yet] tomorrow is bank holiday in NSW. Love your comment over my way. Still crying laughing over here. It would certainly be a 'white wedding' :))) Ciao Julie


And none will hear the postman's knock
Without a quickening of the heart.
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
~W.H. Auden