Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Experienced Operator Required

This sight greeted me on the way to work today. Our second driveway is being redone & Son # 5 arrived with the bobcat & his Assistant. The Assistant also brought along a helper. Our job is in good hands!!



  1. Love it, that is so gorgeous..aren't dogs wonderful? Rachaelxx

  2. Is the Eeyore a reminder of what happens to those who mope around the place? Great picture, I'll have to print it out and frame it as a warning to the goofballs over the holidays. Meredy xo.
    p.s. hope all is well with you and your lovely ones.

  3. eeyore is looking uncharacteristically happy in the dirt I think!

  4. OhMyOhMy... that is soooooooooooo cute!!


  5. Oh my goodness, that is so cute! One of my cats, Chatter, takes her favourite mouse, Beans, everywhere she goes.

    Animals are absolutely wonderful.

  6. How cute, he looks like he is helpful at least! I have a border collie, and he would be trying to chew the tires!
    :) Flick

  7. way way too cute! that would make me smile all day. pam

  8. Good hands indeed - though I'm worried about the assistants assistant. He is lying down on the job!

  9. Hope the assistant's assistant isn't too depressed to do any work, but I'll bet the bobcat operator does a great job - looks very efficient! Too cute. K xx

  10. Hi Millie

    Well I just love both these photos! precious!! poor little whatever he is in the dirt!! haha

    So.. sorry it has taken me so long to get over here.. I will win the award for the slowest blogger soon... thankfully I found a new home!! phew... but I really like your suggestions.. if only I could work from home I'd be out of here!! Take care Millie and thanks xxx Julie

  11. Someone has to handle the "heavy"job!!!!!!! Millie, hope your day is soft and not that dirty!!!! Kisses, Bela.

  12. Cute workers Millie....prefer the tall, bronzed, two legged Aussie types myself but a four legged cutie with a donkey sidekick is ok too.....xv

  13. Oh I love it Millie, my dog has a similar soft toy...only it's insides are outside now!

  14. i don't mind a bobcat with a sweet baby dog.



And none will hear the postman's knock
Without a quickening of the heart.
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
~W.H. Auden