Friday, November 6, 2009

A Slight Break In Transmission

I'm heading off to a busy weekend, I hope yours is wonderful & far more fun & relaxing than mine will be! The chair will be empty at The Hedge next week, as I'm having to do a week of full-time at work. After nearly 3 years of 3 days part-time & the glorious, hard-fought freedom its offered me, I'll struggle. Thank goodness it's only for this next week, but after my dear Boss let something slip in conversation last week, I think Miss Millie's world may be turned on it's head early next year & my day's of freedom may be very numbered!

Next week I'm trialling a new product at my largest Account. Before the Account approves it use, I need to put in through it's paces with all of the Clinicians. And as they all have Interventional lists on different days, that means early starts & very long days in the Cath. Lab. with them. And hoping, hoping that we have the appropriate cases & opportunities to use the product.

I always find the formal trialling part of my work quite arduous & I'm like a cat on a hot tin roof at the moment. Even though I've been responsible for this Account for nearly 20 years & everyone is like family, the heart still races & the BP climbs with the tension. A bit like performers who say they still get nervous just as they are about to go on stage! This star of very small monitor screens & no stage, will be very glad when it's all over, let me tell you. See you all in a week.


  1. All the best for your big week Millie, we will miss you! Christine

  2. Have a great week Millie, I'm sure your clients love and trust you as much as we all do.

    xxx Coty

  3. Have a not too hectic week Miss Millie!
    You will be missed .... hurry back!

    Oh, and I love that pink chair!

  4. I really wish you a great weekend!!!

  5. Millie ~ We'll be thinking about you and wish you all the best. Can we expect MOTH to sit in for you at least once while you're gone? He's always a great guest blogger. ♥Rosemary

  6. Wishing you a successful week ahead, Mills....just remember that the adrenaline rush we all feel when a little nervous and excited is supposed to be good for us and help us perform well. Look after yourself and take care. XXXX

  7. Hi Millie,

    Have a great week next week, I'm sure it will fly by with you being so busy and all. We'll still be here waiting for your return. We'll miss you.
    Take care

    N.W. Coast Tassie

  8. Mills-Part of this sounds utterly exciting! But oh my- will miss you terribly. Already looking forward to the next weekend- just to see how it all went.

  9. Hi Millie,

    Do look after yourself and have a great week ahead.
    You will be missed here.


  10. Best wishes for your big week ahead, Millie and I hope you have a great weekend!


  11. I hope the coming week goes really well for you and the full-time hours and Account pressures don't send you heading for the bar too often. Will miss you! Meredy xo.

  12. you will be great.
    i know you will shine!!!

    you are the best.

    love to you always

  13. Have a great week! all the best, Torie Jayne x

  14. Hey are filling in for your Sheila this week right?
    If you need any posting tutorials, I'm your guy. Pictures are complicated because of right clicking & re-sizing & something about linking. Dude, take the tool-belt off this week, let the dust settle, & just write about all your feelings! This is the place to spill! Now's your chance! Go for it! Just make sure to hit save & then publish before she comes home every night. And for God's sake have cocktails & her slippers ready when she walks in the door. Got to go, LP is home from her POWER walk & doesn't know I'm on here...dude I'm a pro, I even know how this comment thing works! You have to read this & then delete it because of that moderation crap!
    Call me...actually don''ll cost a fortune.

  15. Good luck Millie, you will be a star, and I'm sure the satisfaction you get from doing your job so well will be worth it all. xx

  16. Hey Mills!!
    'You'll be swell, You'll be great, I kind tell, just you wait....''

    OK enough singing from me... I'm sure you know the rest.. I think you will do fabulously. A good thing you are nervous, means you still care about what you do!!

    Have a great Sunday... xx Julie

  17. Hope all goes well Millie. Use the nerves well! See you upon your return.
    Amanda xx

  18. Wishing you all the best of luck Millie! Thank you for your comment and encouragement.. I will try to remember and enjoy every small step in the renovation! Wishing MOTH good luck with the bathroom!

    xx Caroline

  19. Really really hope it all goes well Millie.

  20. Thinking of you...see you in a week! xoxoTrina

  21. I wish you a successful week ahead, Millie. Good luck.

  22. Take care in your hiatus, I understand what its like to not have time to blog working full time and I envy your usual 3 day a week status... hope you can keep it going for the future too.

  23. I hope your date with MOTH is fantastic, he has some kissing up to do so he dosn't become a victim of husbandicide. Love ya, Heidi

  24. hoping you have a great successful week. I am sure it will great, enjoy too...

  25. 毎日楽しい生活してても何かが足りないって思った時何が足りないか分かったの…O(≧▽≦)O それは恋愛だったんだ~って(苦笑)σ(^_^;)唯一、私にはなかったもの…彼氏がほし~い(>▽<;; フリーの人いませんか?私を恋人にして下さい♪♪仲良くなってどこかへ遊びに行きませんか?(≧▽≦;)明るい性格なので、一緒にいて楽しいと思います!!年下の人は苦手で仲良くなる自信がないので私より年上の人でお願いしますヽ(*´ー`)ゞ少しでも気になった人は今すぐにメール下さい♪


And none will hear the postman's knock
Without a quickening of the heart.
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
~W.H. Auden

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