Friday, June 17, 2011

Out & Proud At 700

Only one person at my old Company knew I blogged. It was the most wonderful IT Manager in the whole world, the esteemed JG. He somehow made the connection between my log-on password & this blog through a Google search & voila, my cover was blown! I never told my colleagues about The Hedge because I wasn't too sure how they'd take it, a dilemma many of you have blogged about over the years.

My first day at the new job last Monday required me to front up to a State Meeting with a room full of complete strangers. At the end of the Agenda, I was asked to introduce myself & tell everyone a little about myself. I quickly ran through my work history & achievements & then the Devil took control. I added 'On a personal note I'm the Mum of 5 sons, am in the midst of a total house renovation with MOTH, I love to write & oh, I blog.' Immediately the room was filled with twittering derisive laughter & loud sighs. Then comments like these came thick & fast - 'Oh God I can't understand why anyone would want to do that!', 'I couldn't think of a greater waste of time.' 'That's so gross!' - you get the drift. With that the group wandered off to lunch & not another thing was said.

So that's it, I'm out & despite all the negativity - I'M PROUD!!!! Nothing I've done in the past 10 years or so has given me so much personal satisfaction, pleasure & enjoyment as blogging has done. This is my 700th post & I'm almost disbelieving of Bloggers stats. Those 700 have gone in a flash & thank you to everyone who has so graciously & generously contributed to the 10,316 comments that sit here at The Hedge. Its the weekend, so go enjoy!

Image: Tokyo Graphics



  1. I think if one doesn't blog, one wouldn't know about the amazing friendships that have been formed by bloggers across the globe. The last laugh is actually on them, because with their narrow-minded focus, they don't even KNOW what they are missing out on. It is these friendships that are so special, because it opens our eyes to different ways of seeing the same things.

    Have a wonderful weekend Millie and I hope you will be snuggled by a lovely fire somewhere!

  2. Who are these disbelievers. You need to get them sacked :) Congratulations on 700 posts Millie. What a brilliant number from a brilliant blogger. Out and proud indeed!

  3. If you could only see my face Millie!
    There's a little bemusement, a little astonishment and a lot happy.

    The first because I don't understand why people would be so negative about such a positive activity, the second because I am so impressed that you've post 700 blogs!, the third because I'm so pleased to have discovered you and your delightful space.

    Congratulations on all that you do to inspire and delight, amuse and inform and I hope that you continue to get as much pleasure from posting and interacting as I do from visiting your space.

    Felicity x

  4. Oh the negative ones, gotta love em. The have no idea poor things. They miss out on so much. My favourite from the negs is "i just wouldn't have time for that" to which I reply, "we all get 24 hours in a day, it's a choice really"
    Congratulations on your 700th post, that is some achievement. I hope it has given you much pleasure as you blog has been for me to read.
    Go Millie!

  5. Hi Millie,

    Congratulations on your 700th post wow!
    Just think if you did not blog we would never have been lucky enough to find you.
    Thanks for all the inspiration, laughs and everything you share.

    Have a wonderful weekend and I hope that you are snuggled up warm.

  6. I so agree with Carolyn. If you did not blog, we would not know each other and C. would not have a Mum down under!
    Congratulations on 700, wow wee!!
    I bet curiosity will get the cat and your co workers will soon be peeking over the hedge. You and MOTH make it juicy ok!
    Love ya!

  7. Congratulations on your 700th Blog , your Blog is a wonderful online Diary that you can look back on and remember fondly all those great memories that you shared with us keep up the fantastic work and we will all be here for the next 700.
    Have a lovely weekend Cheers from Jacki

  8. Congrats on your 700th post..Phew that's a lot of writing...and for your New Colleagues..what would they know!

  9. I would hazard a guess that those nay-sayers are looking for your blog and once finding it are enjoying the read. Columbus would never have discovered America if he had listened to the negative masses. I love the inspiration I get from you and so many others in the blogging world. Well done on 700 - I look forward to the next 700.

  10. I recently started following your blog, and find what have to say (and how you say it) very insightful and fun.

    I cannot imagine what it'd be like to find yourself surrounded by such a close-minded, rude group of people. To be honest, I'm shocked by their response.

    Clearly, after 700 posts you know that blogging is a good thing. And perhaps over time as you get to know these new co-workers better, you'll be able to show them how wrong they are to dismiss your passion so out of hand.

    Really. I'm amazed.

  11. There must be a lot of misconception out there about blogging. Do they realise that you're not talking about a political, soap box kind of blog? Sometimes I wonder if that's what comes to mind when "blog" is mentioned. The blogging community we're a part of of is nothing but positive and inspiring. It's very special being a part of it..Rachaelxx

  12. 700 - wowsers! drinks all round!
    (you deserve a drink after that meeting, methinks!)

  13. Oh Millie! 700! Yeah you! I wish I could go and help you with your much needed yard sale ....hee hee

  14. Oh my, Millie! Bravo, my friend - what a fabulous milestone. Good for you. They're the ones missing out on you, unlike us! J x

  15. hi MIllie wow 700 I am impressed it seems 500 was just last week.

    As for your work colleagues well people are usually negative about something they don't understand so I am not surprised by the response. You either get it or you don't.

    Stay well, xoxo

  16. Millie, 700 wonderful posts! I am so glad to have met you and MOTH. Without you blog it would never have happened! I look forward to the next 700!


  17. I can only imagine that the audience was filled with men, or computer illiterate people. Blogging has been the most creative and life enhancing experience that I have had in years. I tell people I blog, but I don't tell them my blogging identity - it allows more honesty!

  18. Congrats on 700! that is amazing!! And good for you for coming out;)!!


  19. 700 !! Fantastic Millie, you're amazing. I was so sure you were going to say that they all came up to you after the meeting and asked how to start a blog - good for you for coming out of the blogging closet!!
    Have a great week in the new job

  20. You go girrl! Your adoring fans have appreciated every post. I so look forward to them, and hope the new job will allow time for their composition. Onwards and Upwards! Deb

  21. Sniggering now, maybe. But I BET they'll be back trying to find out more about it soon. You are just one of those people who's naturally good at winning friends and influencing people. Well done you!!!!!
    'Now let's hear it out loud! 'I am what I am, I am my own special creation'
    Congrats on 700 riveting, hilarious and immensely interesting posts. I can personally say you've saved me from dying of boredom over here in France so that's one life notched up on your belt for the better

  22. Go girl! Nothing like a snort of derision to get your back up ;)

  23. have i ever mentioned
    that a room full of strangers terrifies me!!!


  24. Well done on 700 posts Millie.

    Shame that you got such a negative response for "coming out". You'd probably have gotten a better response if you'd said you were gay!(not that I think there is anything wrong with that btw).

    Heaven forbid that you're a blogger! xx

  25. I hope these people are not a bunch of losers. They sure sound like it! they should have been saying what these comments are saying...


    Yikes! How fantastic!

    Don't cave to a bunch of losers.........honestly.

  26. I am sure that those who mock have never given it a go for themselves! Nicolex


And none will hear the postman's knock
Without a quickening of the heart.
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
~W.H. Auden

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