Wednesday, February 2, 2011


  • 1,000km. coastal front.
  • 200kph(125mph)/hr. winds with gusts greater than 279kph(173mph).
  • Rainfall to top 1000mm(40in.) in 24 hrs.
  • Tsunami-like coastal tidal surges of up to 15metres (49ft.)
  • Spectacular tourist havens such as Cairns, Townsville, Port Douglas, Mission Beach & Hamilton Island in the cyclone's direct path.
  • The worst cyclone of our life-time is on it's way from the Pacific & is expected to cross the northern coast of Queensland at around 10p.m.- midnight tonight.
  • As if the people of Queensland haven't copped enough so far this year, at Category 5 Cyclone Yasi is about inflict it's horrendous might & power on the north of the State. For those of us living safely in the southern states of Australia away from this nightmare, all we can do is wait & watch. From wherever you are in the world, send these good people your thoughts today, they'll need it.



  1. hi sweet friend...
    keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers... xx

  2. Oh Millie
    My youngest sister and her family live in Cairns spoke to her this morning she's very scared. In typical North Queensland tradition they didn't think it would come to this or they'd be here with us. We are very worried.
    Kind Regards

  3. It's scary! My brother and sister both live in Brisbane, so they are out of the direct path of this cyclone, but they were in the way of the recent flooding - it seems like it's an ongoing weather disaster in Queensland at the moment!

  4. It's absolutely terrible. My thoughts and prayers are with those in Queensland who are being affected by these horrible natural disasters.

  5. My brother lives in Townsville, his partner's family in Cairns. It's so much more real when it's people you know. He's seems confident that he'll be alright and just get the outer arms of the storm but it's still pretty scary.

  6. So big, it sends a chill down my spine every time I look at that map. All those people and all those animals.

  7. Praying for a miracle, maybe a change of direction. I can't imagine how scary it must feel to be there :-/

  8. It's horrible. Too scary. I hope the weather people have got it wrong and it ends up just being a strong breeze. Poor QLD doesn't need any more disasters.

  9. I will be praying myself to sleep tonight, all of my thoughts and prayers to Australia. I will send my gaurdian angels there as well. Love Love Love, Heidi

  10. Hi Mills,
    I so appreciate you giving us the details. Was worried about you and Coty and others and realized that it is way north of you. Keeping you and your precious Australia in our prayers.
    xo Lisa

  11. I'm sorry to hear about this. They mentioned on the news last night that the storm is expected to be a large as hurricane Katrina that hit the U.S. several years ago. Sending good thoughts and prayers out to Queensland...

  12. We're thinking of them with all our might, as though thinking would help.

  13. omg
    this sounds like a deadly nightmare.
    i will pray.


  14. Dear Mill's,
    Our thoughts over here in the UK are with everyone in Queensland...... as if the floods weren't bad enough. I just hope that it isn't as bad as they think. XXXX


And none will hear the postman's knock
Without a quickening of the heart.
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
~W.H. Auden

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