Friday, February 25, 2011

What Am I?

A lot of this will be done.

These will be worn all weekend.

This will be attacked with gusto while assuming the supine position on the sofa.

This will be eaten for at least 2 meals.

This arrived just in the nick of time in its QuickFlix envelope.

And so has this.

And this will happen tomorrow arvo.

Yes, you've guessed it, I'm home alone this weekend & I can hardly wait!! MOTH's been given a Permission Slip for a Pescatorial Retreat (aka Big Boy's Fishing Trip). He says there will be lots of deep spiritual introspection & reverent praying over the weekend - yeah sure.

A belated thank you to the delightful Annette from Under The Loupe for the Stylish Blogger Award. This requires me to list 7 things about myself you may not know. And because it's Friday & I have a rare weekend of exquisite self-indulgence fast approaching, I'm taking the easy way out & sending you here!
Annette leads a very busy life on a property in rural NSW & also creates the most fabulous range of jewellery which she sells online through her store here.

See I told you it was gorgeous! It's the weekend, so go enjoy!



  1. Oh you are a lucky duck, Millie. I would kill for a weekend home alone. Hope MOTH only catches fish and nothing more and that his prayers aren't leaning overboard.

    Enjoy. XX

  2. Oh enjoy every millisecond MIllie. You have planned it well! A-M xx

  3. Love the way you tell the story. Glad to see you know how to make the most of it. Fiona

  4. Ah, bliss. You lucky duck, Millie. I can't imagine such an indulgence. Oh, and congrats on the award - so well deserved. I loved reading that old post. Are you able to share your bikkie recipe, by any chance? Enjoy your languorous days! J x

  5. Two new movies to put in the que. As much as we love them once in a while it is nice to have some down time. As for MOTH count the fish he brings home and do not believe any of his stories.

  6. It sounds like you have a wonderful weekend planned. Enjoy!

  7. i like the what you have planned for 'tomorrow' best!

  8. Enjoy your weekend lucky thing! You have the makings of a great weekend in my mind. I loved The Last Station, enjoy!!

    Jeanne xx

  9. that is my kind of weekend! Have a wonderful time! I relish any time it's just me and the men are gone. ha.

  10. Dearest Millie. I do so adore you. You always bring me a smile and your friendship and kind words warm my heart.Your MOTH is so lucky to have you. And I am grateful to have met you thru this wonderful blogland.Hugs, Fiona

  11. Hi Millie
    I love a weekend alone it's the only time that is truely for me . So enjoy.
    Kind Regards
    PS: Isn't Quick Flix great

  12. Glad to see you have your award up - and I'll let you off from doing it all again - its hard to think of new things about yourself, isn't it!? Well deserved award though :D

  13. Have a fabulous weekend, you lucky, lucky girl :-)

    Leeann x

  14. Dear Mill's,
    I feel sure that MOTH is, as we speak, deep in thought and self-remorse and there will obviously be no alcohol comsumed nor dirty jokes or any thoughts of the Victoria's Secret models !!!! haha
    Enjoy your wonderful self indulgent SO deserve it.
    .....and, once again, many, many thanks for your lovely birthday post for me......just want you to know that I thanked you in my last post in case you think that I'm an ungrateful old so and so !! Have been celebrating my birthday for nearly 4 weeks now so, it's time to stop I think !! XXXX

  15. I want to come hang out with you this weekend, sister of the mysterious!!
    Happy weekend! xo isa

  16. We just missed each other! Sad when we are at each others blogs and we still are so many miles apart!
    Boy don't you know it that you and I both deserve a weekend like yours. If I could get someone to take the dog too then I would really have it made.
    Loved Valentino! Could watch it again...very funny too!
    Have a really wonderful time Mills with just you!
    xo Lisa p.s. yaaaay for cooler temps!!!!

  17. Millie...I hope your weekend alone was all you hoped it would be. If you did even a small percentage of the things you posted, I know it was great.
    xo, Rosemary

  18. Hi Millie,

    Oh I hope that you are having the very best weekend, luxuriating and pampering yourself. I like what you have planned and I think we all need a little of this from time to time.


  19. That is a perfect weekend you have planned. What bliss..Rachaelxx


And none will hear the postman's knock
Without a quickening of the heart.
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
~W.H. Auden

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