Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Outdoors On Parade - what would I do without you?!


  1. Such a lovely store... glad to hear that they must still be in business after all these years? I used to spend far too much time in their lovely store when I lived in Adelaide years ago. Do they still have that kitchen out the back? I took a cooking class or two there, which was great fun.

  2. Ooooo Mill's, what a lovely store....I have been and had a look.....I see that one can register one's wedding there.....is this a little hint that one of your lovely boy's are getting married ?!!!!....oh, sorry boy's !!!! XXXX

  3. Hi Millie, I had never heard of this store, from their website it looks great! You are indeed lucky to have such a wonderful source for goodies...I hope your chocolate Valentine dessert went off well! Tammy

  4. Sister of the mysterious! I am off to see the store. Happy belated Valentine's to you!
    xo Isa

  5. I have a sudden yen to cover my outdoor chairs thus. How the neighbours will laugh until I spring my matching striped pagoda on them.


And none will hear the postman's knock
Without a quickening of the heart.
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
~W.H. Auden

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