Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Party Dress

MOTH the Grumpy Christmas Grinch reminded me last night I need to start thinking about a pretty new dress for Christmas Day lunch. The clock is ticking he said - he's right, so I'm onto it. I've had this gorgeous tear sheet image tucked away for years, & while I may be a little old for the puffed sleeves, Peter Pan collar & sash around the waist, these two cherubs look so sweet in their gorgeous party dresses!

Image: Hearst



  1. Beautiful photo Millie :)

    Bless the Grinch's heart! Have fun shopping!

  2. These two are adorable Millie.
    Perhaps your ensemble could be be white and airy, vs light and frothy.

    Felicity x

    PS Good on you MOTH for being so considerate of your lovely wife's wardrobe needs.

  3. Don't they look gorgeous. It is not Christmas lunch I am worried about finding a dress for, but my brother's wedding this weekend. Dragging six kids around the packed shopping centre in not exactly conducive to making a considered purchase! Good luck with finding your perfect dress.
    Clare x

  4. Hi Millie,

    What darling little girls in sweet dresses.
    That is kind of Moth and I hope you have fun finding the perfect party dress.

    Happy Wednesday

  5. Gorgeous picture of white on white. Moth can't be all that bad if he reminded you about buying a new dress!
    Pamela xx

  6. How thoughtful of MOTH to suggest a new party frock! He is a keeper.

  7. could you please clone MOTH please so we can all have one for Christmas,
    lucky girl...


  8. What are you talking about? Those dresses would be PERFECT! My lovely hubby came home with a dress I had been wanting last night, I'm so impressed..what a man! Rachaelxx

  9. never too old for puffy sleeves Millie!
    happy dress searching & happy week to you ♥

  10. Oh,go for it Millie,
    I'm sure you would look gorgeous in one of these pretty little dresses. I will wear the other one.

    Sorry I haven't been over for a while, I'm still not quite sure what menapausal moment I was going through when I decided to open a shop. Hmmmmmmm it has certainly added 10 more hours to my 24 hour day.
    Sending lots of love from the Highlands,
    xxxxxx Coty

  11. How precious! Merry Christmas to you and MOTH.

  12. love the photo and honey... go for it!
    love that... "christmas lunch" sounds so elegant...
    and i am sure... it will be
    lots of love friend xx

  13. MOTH says the right thing sometimes doesn't he! I bought my Christmas top and white as opposed to the normal black and white! Being a rebel :)

  14. They are just beautiful. I have a similar tear sheet taken from the original Victoria magazine.
    You don't see little girls in dresses like this very often now, They all seem to want to look thirty at seven!!!
    Have a fabulous shopping trip!

  15. Moth can't be Too Grumpy Millie if he is Suggesting you go Shopping for a Party Dress...Have Fun.

  16. Oh Millie you are NOT too old for these charming dresses. Just add a wee knitted flower for irony and there you are.

  17. darling girls, soo cute :)) like your side, im your latest follower
    merry christmas /marie frpm stockholm

  18. Yes but Millie,
    How often does a husband remind his wife she needs to go shopping for clothes? Yes we are alive and well and just a bit misplaced this year. Missed you and hope you enjoy the season and all those parties. Whew!
    Lisa and Alfie


And none will hear the postman's knock
Without a quickening of the heart.
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
~W.H. Auden

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