Friday, April 30, 2010

Weekend Recharge

It's been a full-on week & I just need a quiet & relaxing weekend to recharge the Millie batteries. Work has been very, very busy & somewhat drama filled. And MOTH & I have been terribly worried about the gorgeous Missy (above), daughter of Son #5 & his sweet girl A. They are such doting, responsible & loving parents of their girls Missy & Border Collie puppy Tazzie. On Sunday morning they bathed Tazzie & then decided to give both little girls a quick prophylactic dust with their respective flea powders. All was fine until a couple of hours later when Missy became extremely unwell, followed by a series of convulsions. A rushed trip to the Vet resulted in Missy requiring resuscitation & 3 days in the Vet's ICU. It transpired that Missy inadvertently received Tazzie's doggie flea powder & vice versa & so she has been a very sick little kitty. She's home now thank goodness, much to the kids relief. However, its knocked a huge hole in their bank balance - a harsh lesson to learn.


  1. Millie,
    What a gorgeous photo! Yes, some lessons can be very expensive. A few years ago my brother was working on his car in the big shed and was told to watch 'Charlie George' (my cat) as he was proned to get into the shed and Mum and Dad had layed down rat sack...lunch was called, brother did a quick look around, closed the shed, after lunch went back out opened the door to the shed and 'Charlie George' came out coughing. Brother rushed 'Charlie George' out to the vet (on a Sunday) and had his stomach pumped...a couple of hours later Charlie was back home larger than life and running around like a playful kitten. Brother wasn't very impressed, I think he thought Charlie should have been more appreciative of his efforts...haha we still laugh about it to this day. Hope the weekend re-charges your batteries and you get some much needed r&r. In case you were wondering my cat thought he was so important that one name just wouldn't have done. A one in a million, had it over the sheep dog and used to ride on the back of the ute like a dog..(I'm digressing, going now!!!)
    Take care
    N.W. Coast Tassie

  2. Oh poor little Missy, and your poor kids. Hope she's on the mend now and feeling better. Mum and Dad's dog just had a knee reconstruction, so I understand how expensive vet bills can be. But for those of us love our pets, there really is no question of money when their health is at stake.
    Missy is a very lucky girl to have such wonderful owners. K xx

  3. oh no! get well missy! she's beautiful. pam

    ps i totally understand the $$... a piece of dental floss once cost me $300 with one cat.

  4. Oh no the poor little thing, she is SO gorgeous.

    I find the liquid snap tube great for de-fleaing my mixup's.

    Bad luck about all the $$, pet's can be sooo expensive.
    xoxo DJ

  5. That is the most beautiful cat I have ever seen. Thank god she is alright. One time I was at a emergency vet with my dog and another couple was there with their dog and had to make the horrible decision that they didn't have the money for the emergency surgery the dog needed on his twisted stomach. I was just about to throw my credit card down (I was maybe 20 and could not afford it either) when the vet told them he would do it on a payment plan. Glad every thing work out.

  6. Hi Millie, I'm so glad to here she is ok... I had 2 Burman kittens some years ago now, and Jack had the white feet and looked exactly like Missy! His brother George had the chocolate feet... They were the best cats ever, and I miss them still. Jack emptied our bank account at the vets also, he was bitten by a snake!
    Needless to say, your photo of Missie has made me very nostalgic today...
    :) Flick

  7. What a precious little angel. That is a very scary ordeal. I am so glad that she is doing ok. The fuzzy little bundle of fluffy sweetness. Have a relaxing weekend. Love, Heidi

  8. Oh no! I'm glad to hear that all is well with the little 'fur baby'. We had a similar experience when we inadvertently gave Ebony (our 'first born') lead poisoning. She was sleeping in the drop sheets that had been laid out during the sanding of our 100 year old lead paint coated walls. Of course she got sick on a public holiday and the only vet open was a hideously expensive 24hr emergency vet. Nearly a week at the vet on a drip and chelation therapy (delivered every 12 hours) and $2000-ish later Ebony was back to normal, but our baby budget was somewhat battered. We wouldn't have it any other way.

  9. Oh, such a sweet kitten! Sorry to hear of her troubles, but happy to know she is on the mend. I have had my share of budget breaking trips to the vet with my two Himalayan cats over the past 11 years (worth every penny though) and can empathize with your son and his girlfriend. I agree with the poster who suggested the liquid snap tube ("Advantage" brand in U.S.--not sure about Australia). Have relaxing weekend, Millie!

  10. Dear DJ & Deborah - I did have a quiet word with Son #5 during the week about using the liquid snap tube for Missy in the future. He definitely will be changing to that. Thanks so much for your concern, you're so sweet.
    Millie ^_^

  11. Yikes! It can be so difficult to watch my children learn this type of lesson - especially when they are just getting their feet underneath themselves financially.
    Glad all turned out ok!

    Thanks so much for the congrats! I have to say, Craig is one in a million and I feel I am a very lucky woman indeed.

    Smiles and wishing you a relaxing weekend.

  12. Oh the little darling... wait until my boys see this photo of Missy after they get home from school this afternoon. We are currently cat mad in this household. Put your feet up this weekend, Miss Millie. A-M xx

  13. oh, hope the she is ok now. you have a restful time and happy pampering! you deserve every minute of it! verbena cottage

  14. But worth every hard earned cent I imagine! Gorgeous little kitten and very caring owners. Well done to all for pulling through!

  15. What an adorable kitten. I am so glad that all is well with her. A harsh lesson to learn indeed. Poor wee missy. xxoo

  16. I am going off to hit our local vet up for a very big donation to our cause (aged care and health) now that I know they get such huge amounts from you all (and me)!!!! Have a wonderful weekend.

  17. HI Millie
    Have agreat weekend. My other half and I have been painting our brick family room on our holidays it has taken a day and a half just to prime the walls. I now have a lot more respect for you and Moth painting a brick house it's not easy. The task has been harder for me as I'm really out of condition after two operations nad alot of lying around.
    Kind Regards
    PS glad Missy is on the mend

  18. So adorable....sending wishes that poor Missy gets well soon!


  19. I am so glad she is ok, though. How scary!

  20. Poor little sweet cutie pie! She's absolutely adorable, I'd give her a warm squeeze if I could...So glad she's on the mend. xoTrina

  21. Millie,
    I've been absent with purpose again, and haven't made my daily visits to ooh, aah, and laugh. It's good to get back and see everything I've missed. As a pet lover, I felt so horrible for your son and the accidental powder mix up. During my quick catch up review, I must say the dream house is a dream. and the post on your uncle was touching. MOTH's socks need no comment. Thanks for providing some smiles. Have a wonderful weekend. Rita

  22. Dear Millie
    Just trying to catch up with everyone in blogland and find this sweet post.. that photo of Missy is gorgeous.. sorry to hear about her mishap and glad she is on the mend.. Hope you get to recharge too this weekend.. xxx Julie

  23. Poor Missy, she looks so cute. How she gets better soon.

  24. Oh, that's awful Millie. How frightening for them. I hope you're having a relaxing weekend..I'm feeling a little worn out myself. Enjoyed the footy last night though..Rxx

  25. glad everything is ok... money can be replenished... lives (of all sorts) are gold...

    i have missed my little friend and i know life gets busy (mine is insane right now) but thank goodness we are busy... much better than wondering what to do next...
    happy weekend friend... and rest well xxxxx

  26. Oh Mill's,
    That must have been as awful an experience for son # 5 and his girlfriend as it was for dear little Missy .... and, I know how expensive just one visit to the vet can be.
    Obviously Tazzie's encounter with the cat flea powder didn't have any bad effects, thank goodness.
    I'm so pleased that Missy is on the mend. XXXX

  27. I am glad to hear Missy survived and is on the road to a full recovery - she is gorgeous! Veterinary costs can be extraordinarily high.

  28. Hi Millie,

    Oh what a darling little Missy and so sorry this happened and what a worrying time.
    I hope that she is feeling better.
    I agree Vet bills are very expensive.
    Hope that you are having a wonderful weekend and recharging the batteries.
    Happy Sunday.

  29. Oh Millie, I know that mistake which I narrowly missed out on doing myself. What a gorgeous grand daughter you have by the way. I've tagged you in a game which may save you a bit of blogging time (for once) give you a blast from the past and maybe provoke a giggle at the same time ;-) No obligation - just saying though...


And none will hear the postman's knock
Without a quickening of the heart.
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
~W.H. Auden

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