Friday, October 16, 2009

Knit One, Purl One

As many Hedgies know I am an abject failure as a Craftsperson. Give me a complex Financial Forecast Analysis to do & I'll be a happy girl. Ask me to do anything with a pair of scissors or an artist's brush, a blank canvas or needle & it will all end in tears - I promise! However there is ONE thing I can do that's vaguely crafty & that's KNIT!

MOTH's been angling for me to knit him a big cream, cable knit Aran sweater forever - in all my spare time, not!!. He always mutters something about really proving that I love him. He brought the subject up again this week, so I have decided to use some of my last Qrt. bonus & buy the wool. And having seen the recent price of Patons Jet, it may be ALL of my bonus! I'm not a hoarder, but for some reason I've kept my favourite pattern book, old & tattered, but still eminently usuable. I remember the first sweater I knitted from it - I was a first year student Nurse & was doing a 3 month stint of night-duty at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. Rather than have you trying to guess how many years ago that may be, I'll make it easy for you. I was 17 & the year was 1973. Yes an astonishing 36 years ago. The RRP on the book was a whopping 70c. - oh those were the days!

So knit one, purl one everyone - and have a warm & woolly weekend.


  1. Classic pics!… knitting pattern models are the best!

  2. omg! Now there's a great way to get a rug knitted in quick time! I've never seen needles as big!
    How cool! We're the same age Millie. Such a wonderful year, don't you think? :o)

  3. I absolutely admire your knitting abilities! I dig out the knitting needles (about two weeks before Christmas) every year but all I can muster is the same old hat. I've made hats for many loved ones but they always turn out too small. I think it's the measuring of the head part that seems to do me in! But how do you go about measuring a head when you want the gift to be a surprise?!# Is the answer simple? Have I missed it all along? xoTrina

  4. I can't wait to see MOTH modeling his sweater, don't worry, I plan on being a fan of yours for years. Have a great weekend. Heidi

  5. thats fantastic. Matching clothes. I will have to see if I can persuade my husband to go out with me in a matching jumper - not! Happy knitting. A true test of love because Aran pattern are quite tricky aren't they?

  6. great work millie _ is it just me or have those lovely jumpers never gone out of fashion? wish i could knit and its now very trendy to do so!!! melxxx

  7. Wow...look at the size of those knitting needles! LOL!

  8. Good luck finishing!!! I love to knit, and this is the time of year snuggeling up to a fire and pulling out the yarn and needles just seems like the right thing to do!, can't wait to see the finished product, xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  9. It's blowing an absolute gale here today and it's freezing - I think I need one of your Aran sweaters! Can't wait to see the finished product on SA's top male model! Leigh

  10. Oh Mills, I can just see you and MOTH in matching Aran sweaters !!!!
    We used o have a comedy programme here called 'Ever decreasing Circles' starring Richard Briars and his friends were called Howard and Hilda who, in every episode, wore matching sweaters.
    When you finish it, could we see MOTH modelling ii in true '70's knitting pattern style...e.g. looking at watch or pointing at something !!!! XXXX

  11. very stylish Millie. It's actually quite relaxing to knit.
    Have a great weekend

  12. Would love to see the finished resul. Just think it can be passed down from generation to generation! I'm sure it will be just beautiful.....J

  13. My Nana was a brilliant craftsperson and was determined to teach me everything about knitting, crochet, sewing etc. I rebelled when it came to knitting. I hated it. However, to prove my love for Brunnel I did once knit him a jersey. I was very proud of myself. He 'left it on the ferry' on its first outing. That's how good it was!
    P.S I am very sorry about the 'fatend' word verification. I will have to do better next time you visit.

  14. Love those old knitting patterns!

    I started to knit just a few months ago and right now am knitting a scarf for myself and a hat for my daughter....having never made anything EVER, I am absolutely loving doing it.

    I feel that I can now go into wool depts and shops quite legimately and proclaim myself a knitter! The wool choices are amazing.

    Hopefully MOTH will be so thrilled with his new jumper that he will be more than happy to model it for us ;)

    One final daughter and I love the UK version of "Dancing with the Stars".....I think you have the show out there.....guest-starring tomorrow night to sing are.....SPANDAU BALLET!!! I may have to break out the blue eyeshadow, my legwarmers and have a glass of Blue Nun for the occasion ;)

    Happy Week-end Millie xo

  15. What a lucky man is MOTH....and how clever are you Millie; I can't knit a stitch, xv

  16. I would be proud to wear that too. Wow. It looks like it will be warm to wear. My mom used to try to do that but I don't remember ever seeing anyone wear anything she tried to knit.

  17. Oh Millie that picture is hilarious. I'm hopless at craft, knitting and math :)

    re comment, yes I was rather in awe of those eyebrows too.


  18. As the little kid in Jerry Maguire (sp?) said.... LUCK!!!!

    The weather recently in Adelaide is certainly suitable for knitting woollen jumpers! xx

  19. Woohoo, Millie....can't wait to see the finished result. I love Aran jumpers, something so quintessentially comforting and snug about them. As long as you stick to the Aran pattern and don't branch out into matching Ken Done style jumpers, I think you'll be fine. Happy knitting! Meredy xo.

  20. Happy knitting!
    I remember when I was going out with my husband, he also asked for a jumper (which I did knit for him and he still sometimes wears it!)
    I haven't made anything in a very long time...
    You've inspired me!

    Oh, by the way, i laughed so hard when I read your Greek 'thank you" word!
    Enjoy your knitting weekend.

    PS. When I knit, I become fanatical and I have to finish it!

  21. How funny...I was just thinking that it is about time that I pick up where I left off on my knitting projects from last year. I abandoned them when the warm weather it is cold, wet and miserable and I am loving the idea of yarn in my lap.

  22. I use to be a knitter extraordinaire! Also back in the 70's, I came out of retirement a couple of years back when I tackled a scarf or two, the old magic was still there, but the inclination faded quickly. xx

  23. Hi Millie - I want the next one you make... those look dashing!

  24. Millie, you write the funniest things and the images are priceless. Where do you store such large needles? Do they double as pool cues? And thanks for stopping by on my blog and leaving your pearls of wisdom. I will certainly be on the lookout for those halogens. Regards Anita

  25. Oh. My. Goodness!

    I think I have that exact same pattern book in my knitting basket. Will have to hunt it out.

    Classic aren't they? The models in these books really are the best

  26. Thanks Millie, I feel the love. And on the post before, I never was a fan of Halloween anyway. I don't get a kick out of being scared. Thanks again. Heidi

  27. Hey Millie
    'That's not a knitting needle.. THIS is a knitting needle!!' haha

    Well I have to confess... not much for sewing.. but yes.. i could knit!.. I say 'could' past tense! Although I rarely ever finished anything... lots of half jumpers floating around and I do believe one of them was Aron.. offwhite... but only finished the front.. so.. if you want a backless jumper I will send it right over.. hahaha

    Loved your 'Noo Zilland' comment!!
    ciao... x Julie

  28. Millie, I'm so excited you're going to be knitting! You'll have to keep us updated on how you're doing.

  29. great tip Millie! Yes there will be many funny moments in my vows... I think love can only be built on those moments. anyone can love someone... not eveyone can live and laugh with someone. Any tips on the other stuff... I am not sure about other people reading poems... sometimes that gets a little odd. ideas... ???

  30. Millie...I just looked at all of my old knitting pattern books and I have 17 of them priced between $1.00 and $2.50 USD. The classics are the best, aren't they? I think I have enough natural undyed wool for a fisherman's knit pullover. Dare I start one too? I found a pattern I like. Good luck with yours. MOTH is a lucky man! ♥Rosemary

  31. Love those needles they look like closet poles! You are very ambitious with your matching sweater projects. I think I have knitted 40 scarves - yes, only scarves!!


  32. I love knitting as well. Enjoyed the post!

  33. Hi Millie,

    What a lucky Man Moth will be to have a beautiful hand knitted jersey by you. Look forward to seeing him model it when you finish.

    have a great week


And none will hear the postman's knock
Without a quickening of the heart.
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
~W.H. Auden

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