My last post has been up for 19 months & today, on a beautiful warm, sunny Spring day in the Adelaide Hills, it's finally being replaced. This past year has been my toughest & most challenging & although I've attempted to write about what's happened, it's been all too difficult.
In fact it still is, but with the encouragement of some lovely friends, I've been doing a few short posts on my Instagram page. So for the time being, that's where I'll try & rediscover, little by little, my writing voice. There is a short post there about why I've been so quiet, but other stuff too & a rather lot of the delectable Miss Grace & her sweet little brother Henry.
I know that one day, when I feel ready, I'll come back to The Hedge on a regular basis. It was my happy place for a long, long time & I know it will be again. So until that time comes, I'll look forward to seeing you over at my Insta page