Monday, May 31, 2010

Colour My World

Grey has been the colour of my world all weekend. We've had constant heavy rain, low cloud, fog, mist & dark skies. So this morning I crave some colour to start the week. Here's to happy days & blue skies wherever you are.

Image : Damian Russell



  1. It's been miserable in Sydney too, Millie. I'm counteracting it by wearing my rose-coloured glasses (normally reserved for parent-teacher interviews) all day. Meredy xo.

  2. i recognize that first image from my beloved Domino...i love that chair and wallpaper

  3. Your first image is delightly beautiful and so happy. Hope you have a great and color filled week.

  4. I hope you weren't at the football - horrid conditions and horrid result (for you and MOTH)..Rachaelxx

  5. We too have had a week of the most ghastly rain, cold and all the awful stuff, like slipping on soggy leaves and nearly breaking my neck. Ugh! But today is so much better, and your colourful image is a lovely cheerup.xx

  6. We've had some rain and overcast days too, here in usually sunny Brissie, so it sounds like we could all do with some bright and beautiful eye candy! K xx

  7. Blue skies here today Millie, but very cold brrr!!! It bucketed down on Saturday. I know the gardens need it, but couldn't it do it during the night when I am asleep???

  8. It was lovely & sunny here in Melbourne today, but I expect some of that misty, overcast weather is heading our way from Adelaide. Wishing you blue skies & sunshine Millie. Lee :)

  9. Oh thats a lovely room - love the green eames chairs:)
    Don`t forget our Stylesnob giveaway:)

  10. Hi Mill's,
    Last week, we had temperatures in the 80's F but it is now rainy and rather chilly here in the UK. !! Well, that is just typical British weather and we are used to it. It's supposed to warm up again next week.
    I'm sure that you and MOTH will make the most of your fires, wine and comfort food. That's my presciption for you Mill's !! XXXX

  11. I thought the rain would never stop this weekend. And it is sooooo cold all of a sudden. But this morning there was blue sky and I walked to work along the waterfront gulping in the fresh air while there was a break in the clouds! Love this colour-filled image.

  12. While biking in the low 90's yesterday a bit of rain would have felt good. Our summmer weather has hit early this year.

    I recall how cold and rainy it was at times when we visited Adalaide in August of 2009. Bad.

    I recall the cold, snow, wind, blowing snow of an Iowa winter.
    Really bad.

  13. millie, we are on day 5 (or 6, i've lost count) of drizzly rain. ugh. the slugs are out in droves. the only good thing.... i've gotten to nap instead of garden! pam

  14. Thank you, thanks you, Millie, but it isn't working; it's still all grey here. Would someone get up and do a dance?

  15. Wow Millie, have been watching the weather up here in Brisbane before we head off to Adelaide on 18th of this month so will pack the brolly for sure.

  16. I hear you! My life in Portland, Oregon, USA has been grey for weeks! I need some color, too!


And none will hear the postman's knock
Without a quickening of the heart.
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
~W.H. Auden

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